Monday, May 17, 2010


Another excellent discovery by the Very Short List Blog:
The very French Incrédibox allows you to compose your own beatbox tune through a simple palette of repeating sounds, each one animated by its own beatboxing guy (complete with sloppy Euro-hair and hoop earring, bien sur). It’s a glossy, stylized way to have some fun composing: You can mix, match and even shuffle percussions, vocals, instruments and effects, as the director of your very own a cappella squad. Best of all, you can’t screw it up. Bon chance!

Magnetic poetry

Magnetic Words 3.0
With a background that looks like a refrigerator and refreshed every thirty minutes with a new batch of words this site is sure to spark the inner bard.

Magnetic Poetry Kits
Choose from a variety of kits (artist, office, genius, poet, or romance).

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Build your own kaleidoscope!
Another great find from our good friends at Very Short List.  The Virtual Kaleidoscope is loads of fun with a classroom full of students.  Have each student suggest a pattern, enter it into the application, and step back to watch the fun patterns!

Monday, October 19, 2009


Not Only is The Virtual Piano a Virtual instrument that you can play chords and melodies on, it also shows you how to play all the chords (triads) in all twelve keys. It's an excellent tool for you to learn to play piano, to transpose songs into any key or for writing songs. With the online Virtual Piano, you can play the chord progressions for thousands of songs and see how to play the chords on a real piano while you're playing them on the Virtual Piano, without having to learn to read music!! To play single notes, just click on the notes. To play chords, click on the numbers 1 - 7 just under the piano keyboard, or press the 1 - 7 keystrokes on your computer keyboard. Choose a different key by clicking on one of the twelve key selector buttons. Pressing the "higher" or "lower" button, or pressing the left or right keystrokes will change the inversion of the chord higher or lower in pitch.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Tone Matrix

What is the

Tonematrix is a sinewave synthesizer triggered by an ordinary 16step sequencer. In more simple terms it is a fun way to create music with both your ears and eyes. Composing a cool looping melody is simple. Click on a square to play a tone. Clicking on additional squares will add more tones that are automatically played in a looping sequence.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Great Sound Effects!

Liven up your classroom with sound effects!

Note: Use the "How To Download & Save Flash" link at the end of this post to find instructions on how to save these sounds so you can use them on your Smart Board.

FUNNY JOKE? Put a rim shot on your whiteboard!

NOT SO FUNNY? Try the Sad Trombone:

REALLY NOT FUNNY? Try the sad horns played for losing contestants on The Price Is Right game show.

(to help fill the silence when nobody answers your question)

Never, ever underestimate the power of a good yodel

Click here for instructions on how to DOWNLOAD & SAVE FLASH ANIMATION

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Create A Quirky Musical Symphony

Yet another great find from the Very Short List blog. BallDroppings is a fun Java application that will turn your smart board into a quirky musical toy. The application lets you create Pong-style paddles, which deflect the tiny ball that fall from the edges of your screen. You’ll hear a ping each time a ball bounces off a line you’ve made, and if you keep enough balls in play, those pings will turn into a silly symphony. (Hint: Adjust the GRAVITY setting for an extra-trippy effect.)
Bounce on over to the site: